mobile application for your business

5 advantages of a mobile application for your business


These small devices are now part of our daily lives, both personally and professionally, especially through mobile applications.

These software are multiplying and their usefulness is more and more obvious to manage their daily life. To this end, any business must ask itself the following question: should we launch a mobile application ?

1. A privileged contact with your customers

Thanks to a smartphone application, there is no need for an intermediary!

Unlike the Internet or social networks which put you in constant competition with other players in your field of activity, the mobile application offers privileged contact with your customers .

Depending on its nature, the application can also be a gateway for your prospects. By knowing how to be useful, you make potential customers want to know more about you and use your paid services.

2. Reduced cost marketing

No more expensive advertising via traditional communication channels or 4 x 3 signs posted in the streets:

3. A better understood target core

By respecting the codes of mobile applications (updated information, regular and brief push notifications , development of new features, etc.), you are sure to capture the attention of your prospects.

And an interested and captivated customer has every chance of becoming an enticed customer who completes the purchase or who renews it.

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4. A presence without intrusion

Thus, the mobile user does not even perceive this software as a marketing tool .

This method of communication and loyalty is not intrusive in the customer’s life, it only brings added value. The user’s perception of your business is therefore positive.

At the same time, you strengthen his confidence in your business .

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5. An evolution that has become necessary

We are not teaching you anything: social networks and mobile applications have become real references in terms of information and communication.

By developing a mobile application related to your business, you show that you are trendy, that you know how to adapt to the lifestyle of your customers.

We could have added a 6th advantage to this list: the ease of developing a personalized mobile application perfectly suited to your needs … On condition of calling on a specialist:

The Cartesian principle of advertising is to be where the consumer is. And the trend of this century is digital. More than half of the world’s population uses the Internet and for a business that wants to increase its profits, this is the place to be. The average conversion rate is 9.21% for Facebook ads; 4.40% for Google Ads and 0.57% on the Display Network. According to WebFX, the ideal conversion rate is around 10% for your web ads.

But with the multiplicity of platforms, finding your part and getting your message across on the web is not as obvious as it seems.

The key ? Identify the advertising platforms that perfectly target your audience and apply best practices to convert!
Fintech App Developer

Infographic Created By Dogtown Media, Efficient & Experienced Fintech App Developer Team


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